There are a few reasons that one might need to restore a SQL Server backup.  Perhaps it is time to refresh a test database with a copy from production. Maybe there has been a disaster and this is how the disaster recovery plan is getting the system back online.  Another common restore reason is to recover a single data element that was removed or modified in production by accident.  Whatever the reason, being able to restore a database and understanding some of the basic options thereof is an essential skill for the SQL Server DBA. For this demo I will cover the topic using theRead More →

Thank you to those of you that came to see my presentation on full text indexes at SQL Saturday #615 in Baltimore!  As promised, please find the slide deck and table builder/ sample queries script at these links.  Also, I have included a few links to useful Microsoft documentation pages below to help you continue to expand your knowledge. CONTAINS FUNCTION FREETEXT FUNCTION FULL TEXT EXAMPLE LIST A few notes: I received an explanation for the strange query plan functionality I showed at the end of the class.  It turns out I was 100% wrong.  The plan was showing just fine and will show aRead More →